Every tenth KW consumed in Bulgaria was produced by the most modern power plant in the country

In 2021 TPP AES Galabovo reports a record high generation of 3.3 million MWh of energy

January 12, 2022

In 2021, the newest and most modern TPP in Bulgaria – TPP AES Galabovo, generated a record-high amount of energy. In the past 12 months, the power plant produced 3.3 million MWh of electricity. The energy generated by the two units of TPP AES Galabovo in 2021 is 20% more compared to the amount produced in 2020 and the highest annual generation since the start of commercial operations in 2011. In this way, the power plant provided over 9% of the total energy consumed in Bulgaria. In other words, in 2021, every tenth kilowatt-hour of electricity consumed was generated by TPP AES Galabovo, which uses only local resources. This once again shows the key role of TPP AES Galabovo for the country’s energy security and for guaranteeing the energy supplies of the Bulgarian customers.

In December 2021 alone, the 690-MW facility provided more than 356 000 MWh of electricity. This is almost 50% more than the amount produced in November 2021.

After the successful completion of the maintenance of the two units in 2021, TPP AES Galabovo is fully ready to operate in winter conditions. The power plant works in full compliance with the dispatch schedules of ESO to meet the needs of the country’s energy system. Thanks to its technological flexibility, the power plant helps Bulgaria to meet the requirements of ENTSO-E for primary and secondary control of the energy system.